
Number of long-term sick set to surge, commission warns

A cross-party commission has warned that drastic action is required to address the growing number of people signed off from work with a long-term illness.

Labour’s Back to Work plan must account for employers, disability charity says

The Business Disability Forum has urged the government to consult with employers to get the details of its Back to Work plan right. The plan has been welcomed by campaign groups for its positive...

Strike the right balance between national skills policies and local talent needs

Last year, it was reported that the UK was seriously underperforming in skills development, dropping 26 places to 64th out of 100 countries.

Hot topic: When is drug testing fair?

Athletes, police officers and members of the armed forces have historically been drug tested, but employers in other sectors are beginning to follow the practice. When is it fair to ask employees to...

Cover story: AI risks and hazards (Part 2)


In part two of our September/October issue's cover story, Jo Gallacher explores the risks inherent in the powerful new technology of AI.

Outcry after British Airways tightens grip on social media

British Airways (BA) has issued a new social media policy that staff have claimed will see them punished for sharing their work.

Disabled workers may keep benefits under new plans

People claiming sickness or disability benefits may be allowed to receive payments even after finding a job, under new government plans to help support people back into work.

Are your anti-bribery and anti-fraud policies up to scratch?

With the pandemic’s knock-on effect lingering and a cost of living crisis underway, many challenges are on the horizon for businesses of all sectors and sizes. As with any economic crisis, the...

Virgin Atlantic repeals tattoo ban for cabin crew

Virgin Atlantic lifted its ban on cabin crew displaying their tattoos at work last week, becoming the first airline to do. Will we see more tattoos on show in the workplace of the future?

UK employers lag behind on sexual harassment policy

Five years after the #MeToo movement, this is the first year that more companies globally have published an anti-sexual harassment policy (53%) than not (47%) – but the UK is behind the curve.

New Way to Work government policy unfit and unethical, experts warn

The Department for Work and Pensions' (DWP) new jobs programme Way to Work has faced media backlash for its methods and many in the sector fear it will be counterproductive in the long term.

Companies called to report flexible and hybrid working policies

Non-for-profit organisation the Work Foundation at Lancaster University has called on government to introduce mandatory flexible and hybrid working reporting.