Employee benefits

How to give your employees a free pay rise

Salary sacrifice could make a huge difference, if you can’t afford to offer a pay rise.

Could Summer Fridays unlock productivity?

When Einstein discovered the theory of relativity, he was not at his desk tinkering with his calculator. He was sitting on a train, watching light bounce.

Piling on the pressure: new research reveals working parents in high-stress sectors need more tailored support

New findings reveal increased pressure is taking its toll. Employees in high-stress sectors are actively seeking companies that will help them better balance career aspirations alongside family life....

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Employee benefits stunted by HR budget constraints

More than eight in 10 employers (81%) said that budget approval was a barrier to implementing changes to employee benefits in 2024/2025, a report has shown.

Employees "don't seem interested" in benefits on offer

Almost half (48%) of HR directors have reported that employee benefits have had poor uptake because employees “don’t seem interested” in what is on offer.

The new frontier of employee engagement: Personalised benefits

Are benefits important to workers? The answer is a resounding yes.

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Measuring up your family-friendly offering for 2024: Your five-step audit 

In today’s dynamic work environment, family-friendly workplaces are more crucial than ever to the success of an organisation.

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Pensions top employee priorities, but SMEs prize other benefits

The majority (90%) of UK workers say pension is the most important benefit their employer can offer, but this isn't the same for SMEs.

Ulez will cost some London commuters over £3,000 a year

The Ultra Low Emission Zone (Ulez) has been expanded to include all of London's boroughs, meaning Londoners who drive non-compliant vehicles five days a week will pay £3,250 a year.

Putting the spark back into Travelex

Following administration in the pandemic, Beau Jackson finds out how the foreign exchange business is bouncing back through its line managers and rewards.

Employees rely more on company benefits as costs rise

Employees are increasingly using employer benefits to support leisure purchases, such as gym memberships and holidays, according to new research from Perkbox.

Redundancies and pay freezes on cards for 2023

The cost of living crisis may force employers into redundancies in 2023, according to research from employment law and HR consultancy firm WorkNest.