
Northern workplaces back long-term hybrid working

Hybrid working is set to become a permanent feature of northern workplaces in the future, research from the Work Foundation and Newcastle University Business School has found.


Brand vs culture – Does it matter?

Imagine this: a market leading organisation, admired by customers, lauded by industry experts, loved by shareholders. Sounds perfect doesn’t it? Yet on the flipside, employees in the same organisation...

Government cracks down on sexual harassment in the workplace

The UK government has outlined new intentions to help stamp out sexual harassment in the workplace.

How do you boost work relationships over email?

We all remember receiving that email, don’t we? The snarky one from a colleague we read on a Friday night that ruined our weekend. Five years on, it still irks.


Why ‘one big family’ is one big red flag

What does family mean to you? What does it mean to your colleagues? Your potential recruits? For such an often-used term, family can be a divisive word. For some it can mean a supportive, safe...

Tips from 2020's People Focused CEO HR Excellence Award winner

Rick Willmott, winner of 2020’s People Focused CEO of the Year award at the HR Excellence Awards, is excited about what the post-pandemic has in store for him and his people.

Backlash as BrewDog HR team responds to toxic work claims

BrewDog's people team has seemingly responded to Punks with Purpose's campaign alleging negative experiences of former employees, but the response has exacerbated the issues.

Emma Leonis, LACE Partners, joins HR Lunchtime Debate on building trust

Emma Leonis, executive director for HR transformation at LACE Partners, has joined HR magazine's upcoming Lunchtime Debate: Laying the foundation for a workplace that works for all.

Three ways HR leaders can shape today’s workplace

Culture is the soul of the organisation, and it’s up to HR leaders to facilitate, coach, and preserve it.


Creating a sense of belonging at work

Building a business culture that workers genuinely feel they belong within requires more than half-hearted initiatives, according to our HR Lunchtime Debate panel – belonging must be built in at...

Is compulsory mental health first aid training at work the right move?  

Yesterday (23 March) Dean Russell, MP for Watford, introduced a Parliamentary Bill to make mental health first-aid (MHFA) a compulsory part of every UK workplace's first-aid training.

Good workplace relationships have largest impact on job satisfaction

Good relationships with colleagues are essential to job satisfaction, according to 77% of workers