HR magazine


Workers' rights | Who is on strike in July and August 2024?

Find out who is striking, why, and what services will be affected in our July and August roundup.

Pay | Payroll errors impact 25% of UK employees

A quarter (25%) of UK PAYE employees have received a paycheque from their employer that was incorrect, research from The Global Payroll Association revealed.

Diversity and inclusion | Dismissed for calling homosexuality "sinful," social worker vows to appeal

A Christian social worker, Felix Ngole, has vowed to appeal a tribunal’s decision that he was not discriminated against when he had his job offer retracted. The retraction came after Ngole's employer...

Unions | Tata Steel and Unite reach agreement to postpone strike action and site closure

Unite union and Tata Steel have agreed to postpone strikes and the closure of the Port Talbot steelworks while they engage in discussions over the site's future.

Employment tribunal | Mother awarded £90k for sex discrimination after job offer withdrawn

An employment tribunal awarded £90,000 to a mother for sex discrimination, after her employer asked her children’s ages during an interview and later withdrew her job offer.

General election 2024 | Key election pledges: What HR needs to know (part two)

In the run up to the general election on Thursday (4 July), we look at the key policy pledges that would impact HR. Today, we focus on apprenticeships, skills, pensions and benefits.

Health and safety | New safeguarding guidance launched by standards body

The British Standards Institution (BSI) has released a new standard to help employers safeguard employees.

Communication | Brewdog fires Asian employee who swore after finding EDL in bar

Representatives of the hospitality business Brewdog fired an Asian employee who expressed concern when she found members of the English Defence League (EDL) meeting in the bar she worked in, the...

General election 2024 | Key election pledges: What HR needs to know

Ahead of this Thursday's general election (4 July), we're looking at the key policy pledges that would impact HR. Today, we focus on employment rights, immigration and tax.

Immigration | Skilled worker sponsors face licence crackdown

The number of skilled worker sponsor licence suspensions and revocations has markedly increased in the first quarter of 2024, according to data from the Office for National Statistics (13 June).

Wellbeing | Can you take time off work for hay fever?

Almost half (45%) of employees in the UK have hay fever, a survey by printing company Instantprint found. Of the employees surveyed, three quarters (73%) of respondents believed employees should not...

Workers' rights | All on-call hours must be paid at Covert Authorities Bureau

On-call hours worked by employees of Covert Authorities Bureau (CAB) at Humberside Police Force were working hours and should be paid in full, a tribunal has ruled.