Agile L&D
Author: Natal Dank
Publisher: Kogan Page
Price: £31.99
As the pace of change picks up, so does the need to respond quickly. Natal Dank’s latest book, Agile L&D, examines how to keep a fluid, adaptive approach to learning and development. Based on five design principles, this book aims to provide a dedicated toolkit for HR leaders.
Read more: Making learning and development agile
Organizational Learning Communities
Author: Andy Lancaster
Publisher: Kogan Page
Price: £31.99
Few people learn best when alone, and sharing learnings is one of the strongest ways to embed them in our memory. Organizational Learning Communities sets out a vision of how to embed community-based learning, to help leaders accelerate their development and spread it throughout their organisation.
Author: Claire Plumbly
Publisher: Yellow Kite
Price: £17.99
Clinical psychologist Claire Plumbly is the latest entrant to the busy ‘burnout guide’ genre. Based on a new understanding of the nervous system, including how nervous responses build up overwhelmingly over time, Plumbly’s book promises the certainty of long clinical experience and a calm, accessible look at the science.
Read more: Half of HR professionals on verge of quitting due to burnout
The Focus Fix
Authors: Chris Griffiths and Caragh Medlicott
Publisher: Kogan Page
Price: £14.99
Modern life’s flood of distractions – whether emails, social media, unnecessary meetings or unwanted notifications – can derail focus, and snatch away attention. In The Focus Fix, Chris Griffiths and Caragh Medlicott explore how to reset your mindset.
Shocks, Crises, and False Alarms
Authors: Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak and Paul Swartz
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
Price: £25
Attempting to assess macroeconomic risk might seem a tough ask, but if the past few years have shown anything, it’s that the people agenda is tied to what happens in the wider world. In Shocks, Crises, and False Alarms, authors take on the challenge of helping readers discern a crisis from a flash in the pan.
Authors: David Allen and Edward Lamont
Publisher: Piatkus
Price: £18.99
Returning to the theme of 2001 bestseller, Getting Things Done, David Allen, this time with executive coach Edward Lamont, explores the principles of teamwork and how to get things done as a team. Aiming to guide readers towards collective productivity, Team bills itself as a handbook to simplifying work.
This article was published in the July/August 2024 edition of HR magazine.
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