Companies called to report flexible and hybrid working policies

Non-for-profit organisation the Work Foundation at Lancaster University has called on government to introduce mandatory flexible and hybrid working reporting.

Tech firms lead the way in UK's best work/life balance

Tech companies have dominated Glassdoor’s 2021 list for the highest rated UK companies for work/life balance.

Resilience needs leaders who put their own oxygen masks on first

The go-to panacea for many leaders in times of uncertainty is to do more. When the going gets tough, we put more hours in. It’s no accident that we are now facing an epidemic of fatigue across a...

The four-day week – does it really work?

Our perspective on working routines has shifted over the last 18 months as the pandemic has brought unavoidable remote working. It’s forced many companies who were previously reluctant to employ...

Monzo founder invests in anti-isolation app for hybrid workers

Monzo founder Tom Bloomfeld has invested in a wellbeing app targeting hybrid-working loneliness.

Government confirms plans to improve flexible work and carers' rights

The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has confirmed its intentions to give UK workers the right to request flexible working from day one of the their employment, as well as...

Working parents the most eager to return to the office

A huge majority (81%) of working parents at small UK businesses are looking forward to returning to the workplace after time spent juggling remote work with childcare over the summer holidays.

IPPR calls for four-day week trials across more sectors in Scotland

The majority (80%) of working-age people in Scotland, across both manual and desk-based jobs, have said they would support a four-day working week without any loss of pay.

Workplace relationships nose dive after a year of remote working

Workplace relationships have taken a huge hit during the COVID pandemic, given 22% of UK workers meet their partner or spouse at work.

Care for HR teams has been overlooked during pandemic

More than half (58.6%) of HR professionals in the UK say they are not being supported by their employer and that the COVID-19 pandemic has increased their workload.

How HR can spot signs of burnout

The story of how an employee was banned from work for two weeks after their employer spotted signs they were suffering burnout has gone viral on LinkedIn.