Use positivity to combat job seeking in January

At this time of year, our thoughts turn to the season that brings the nation together – the January sales. But also at this time of year, teams are typically looking for motivation amidst the return...

Gamification can supercharge your leadership

Gamification is one of the buzzwords of the past few years, but can it make a real difference to your leadership and help you drive performance?

12 months of 2023: April

As we reach the end of the year, our 12 days of Christmas countdown revisits the key events of each month.

Legal ease: Prevent toxic cultures by acting early

The causes of toxic culture are often trivial, but the effects are not. Early intervention is key, and managers must not be reluctant to grasp the nettle if the situation is to be resolved.

Hot topic: When is drug testing fair?

Athletes, police officers and members of the armed forces have historically been drug tested, but employers in other sectors are beginning to follow the practice. When is it fair to ask employees to...

Braverman’s tenure shows that having a diverse figurehead does not result in diverse thinking

The sacking of the former home secretary did not come as a shock to many. Throughout her time in office, Suella Braverman has been a divisive force.

How McDonald’s can avoid future accusations of sexual harassment, racism and bullying

The issue involves a global brand relying on its management and franchisees to maintain the culture and behaviour the ‘golden arches’ deserves and has worked hard to build and develop. 

How creating a culture that supports time-blindness can benefit your business

Over the past few months conversations about time blindness, a condition related to attention deficit hyper activity disorder (ADHD), have exploded.

Jeremy Hunt is wrong: DE&I is mission critical for British business

While diversity and inclusion has come to the forefront of public consciousness in recent years, a focus on budget cuts has had an unfortunate and disproportionate impact on DEI strategy in the past...

Use microaffirmations every day to build inclusion

Noam Chomsky once said: “A language is not just words. It’s a culture, a tradition, a unification of a community, a whole history that creates what a community is. It’s all embodied in a language.”

Could psychological safety solve the productivity crisis?

Psychological safety is the key to improved innovation, problem-solving and productivity, according to Brittany Schmaling, principal data analyst at HR software company Dayforce.

Hot topic: Can HR solve the UK's productivity problem?

Since the 2008/2009 recession, the increase in UK productivity has slowed. As one of the most important factors in determining living standards, productivity is a key focus within UK businesses.
