Promoting a sense of belonging within a hybrid culture

Over 75% of hybrid team managers say their main challenge is making strong connections with team members, so how should we encourage relationships beyond 'surface level' to create a sense of...

Menopause Friendly Employer Awards 2023 winners announced

The Menopause Friendly Awards returned to the Royal Lancaster Hotel last night (14 September) to celebrate best practice among those committed to changing and improving the lived experience of...

Why positive disruptors are needed to create racial equity and fairer workplaces

The NHS is the fifth largest employer in the world and the largest employer of global majority people in the UK.

The power of open-sourcing HR: Why belonging is best built without walls

It’s no secret that different people and HR teams have their individual superpowers.

Five CSR changes you can make to your business today

Corporate social responsibility [CSR] has become a central theme for organisations in recent years.

How embracing the whole-self can unleash your organisation’s hidden potential

You’re only ever as good as the capabilities and skills of your people. So is it time to embrace the whole-self and give those attributes a massive boost?

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Ulez will cost some London commuters over £3,000 a year

The Ultra Low Emission Zone (Ulez) has been expanded to include all of London's boroughs, meaning Londoners who drive non-compliant vehicles five days a week will pay £3,250 a year.

Speak up: HR's responsibility to address domestic abuse in the workplace

She comes into work quiet and withdrawn. She’s wearing a blue and white striped top with long sleeves and a grey scarf around her neck.

Best of HR books: August 2023

The latest book releases for HR.

Janet Campbell - Laying fair foundations for the Houses of Parliament Restoration & Renewal

Fixing up the Houses of Parliament is a huge project but one the HR director in charge takes in her stride.

HR can learn from the Mexican tetra to help neurodivergent staff flourish

The Mexican tetra, also known as the blind cavefish, is a fascinating example of how biodiversity can help species survive in difficult and changing environments. This fish is found in underground...

Pizzas, HiPPOs and social loafing: fostering innovation and empowering teams

In the realm of team dynamics, the concept of the ‘two-pizza team’ has gained significant attention since it was coined by Jeff Bezos in the early days of Amazon.