The key to employee happiness? Enable people to be themselves

It is important to reflect on why so many people are unhappy at work, and how we can build a culture of genuine happiness. The International Week of Happiness at Work begins next week (from 23 to 27...

How can HR drive authentic engagement?

A shift from productivity-driven approaches to authentic engagement is gaining momentum. But how can HR leaders effectively champion this transition?

How leaders can foster engagement during the ‘Big Stay’

As workers delay moving jobs, it is becoming far more important for leaders to keep employees engaged and energised.


Is radical transparency needed in a high-trust culture?

The pressures facing both employers and employees have supercharged debates around flexibility, inclusion and the relationship between business and colleagues.

It is time to re-evaluate the EVP?

Once in vogue, employee value propositions (EVPs) fell out of fashion when talent was plentiful. So is the time now right to look at them again?

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Embracing Generation Alpha: how HR leaders can prepare the C-suite for the future of work

The countdown has begun. In just five short years, Generation Alpha, the digitally savvy cohort born after 2010, will enter the workforce.

Best of HR books: February 2024

We delve into new book releases to find out what HR has been reading.

Time for action: breaking down barriers to gender equality in business

In the wake of the recently released Fortune 500 Europe list, the glaring statistic that women CEOs constitute only 7% of the total is cause for concern. When we delve deeper and look at factors such...

Why childcare needs to become an employer priority

Sadly, the recent news that almost a quarter of a million female workers are considering leaving their jobs due to a lack of adequate childcare support has come as little surprise.

The importance of accurate job descriptions in building better teams 

During a recent discussion a client quite rightly shed light on a critical aspect of the hiring process that often goes overlooked: the accuracy of job descriptions.

Use positivity to combat job seeking in January

At this time of year, our thoughts turn to the season that brings the nation together – the January sales. But also at this time of year, teams are typically looking for motivation amidst the return...

Best of HR books: January 2024

From women over 50 to hierarchies at work, we delve into new book releases to find out what HR has been reading.