Wealth distribution in the future world of work

How money could be fairly distributed in different, potentially 'post-job' future worlds, and the implications for the psychology of work

Employee mental health pressures at highest-ever level

Mental health awareness has risen but practical support from employers is still falling short, our webinar found

The agile leadership paradox

In our series of personal development columns we ask careers and coaching experts for their advice for HR directors on getting ahead in 2019 and beyond

Racism has mutated to survive

We’ve come a long way since the days when 60% of employed black women worked as domestic servants, but racism is not gone

The 12 months of 2018: August

It's been an eventful year for HR-related issues hitting the headlines. Our 12 Days of Christmas countdown revisits each month's most notable happenings

Running innovation through the DNA of L’Oréal

Innovation runs through the whole employee lifecycle; from recruitment to succession planning to transforming ways of working

HR magazine tries... Testing personal creativity

Deputy editor Rachel Sharp finds out what her style of creativity is with Perspectiv’s VIEW tool

HR's role in organisational creativity and innovation

Innovation and creativity are becoming ever more critical to many organisations’ success. HR has the power to create the conditions most conducive to both

The importance of psychological safety

You may not know your staff aren’t speaking up, meaning problems go unreported and unresolved

Organisational development beyond HR: Political campaigning

Organisational development principles were present in Emmanuel Macron's and Barack Obama's political campaigns

Creative thinking needs a time and a place

Too many executives remain tethered to traditional workspaces when they need to be in more creative settings

Do personality-typing tools have a place in HR?

The practical value of personality-typing tools depends entirely on the extent to which they are valid measures of personality