Strategic HR

Three reasons why interim leaders can help HR drive change out of a crisis 

Following a series of leadership departures and absences, the Post Office has decided to make short-term hires in key positions. Why?

Can you take time off work for hay fever?

Almost half (45%) of employees in the UK have hay fever, a survey by printing company Instantprint found. Of the employees surveyed, three quarters (73%) of respondents believed employees should not...

Servant leadership can help deliver high-performing workplaces

The term 'service' has become something of a buzzword in the general election campaign. But how can we authentically embody the principles of service?

Unleashing the power of learning communities 

What makes learning communities flourish?

Why wellbeing strategy must account for breakup and divorce

HR can improve productivity by tailoring their organisation’s benefits and wellbeing strategy towards supporting employees going through breakup and divorce.

Business growth and transformation worries HR

A quarter (25%) of HR leaders cited business growth, change and transformation as their top concern, a study by management specialist platform, the Talent Labs, has shown (24 June).

Addiction recovery in UK workplaces: How to shift the narrative

Are UK employers ready to adopt a US-style approach to supporting people in addiction and recovery?

A million of UK’s lowest earners miss out on sick pay

A million (1.15 million) workers – 3.5% of the UK workforce – are not eligible for statutory sick pay (SSP) as they do not meet the earnings threshold of £123 per week, a report from think tank The...

Chief constable who lied about naval career dismissed for gross misconduct

A chief constable of Northamptonshire Police who lied and exaggerated his naval rank, length of service and achievements has been dismissed for gross misconduct.

We must celebrate neurodivergence, not just accept it

In a world where diversity and inclusion have become essential elements for business success, we must move beyond mere acceptance of neurodivergent employees and toward a culture that celebrates...

Quarter of employees experience suicidal and self harming thoughts

A quarter (25%) of employees had thoughts of suicide or self harm in the last two weeks, a survey by wellbeing technology provider, Wysa, revealed today. The proportion expanded to one in three (36%)...

Could Summer Fridays unlock productivity?

When Einstein discovered the theory of relativity, he was not at his desk tinkering with his calculator. He was sitting on a train, watching light bounce.