Strategic HR

How to create a safe culture for discussing alcohol issues

Creating a supportive environment for employees struggling with alcohol requires a thoughtful, multifaceted approach that balances compassion with professionalism.

Autumn Budget 2024: HR reacts

Chancellor Rachel Reeves delivered Labour’s first budget in 14 years yesterday (30 October). We round up HR's reactions.

McDonald’s manager questions delivery drivers’ English skills

The campaign group Worker Info Exchange claimed that representatives of McDonald’s bullied, discriminated and exploited Uber Eats drivers after a leaked voice recording showed a manager raising issues...

How to support survivors of gender-based violence

October marks Domestic Abuse Awareness Month in the UK. Workplaces will likely have a survivor of domestic abuse, but not all workplaces do enough to support survivors.

Three quarters of executives use AI to focus on strategy

More than three quarters (76%) of UK executives have reported that AI allows them to focus on more high-level strategic work, research commissioned by computer software TeamViewer has shown.

How can we match the UK’s skills needs to rising demand?

To tackle the managerial skills gap head on, employers must focus on upskilling the workforce.

Number of night workers from ethnic backgrounds surges

The number of workers from ethnic backgrounds doing night shifts has risen by 71% (360,000) over the last decade, according to Trades Union Congress (TUC) analysis of data from the Office for National...

How to help employees come out safely – if they want to

Companies are increasingly positioning themselves as LGBTQ+ friendly workplaces. While Pride celebrations, inclusive language guides and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies are important...

Richer staff fail to spot the financial wellbeing action gap

Higher earners fail to understand the financial realities of their lower-earning colleagues, preferring to educate staff rather than remove barriers to improved financial wellbeing, research from the...

How Cook supports people back into work

With 9.26 million people out of work in the UK, the demand on employers to help them back to work has never been higher. Food manufacturer and retailer Cook created its Ready and Working (RAW) Talent...

Does the rise in temporary workers mean the fall of company culture?

As businesses invest in building strong values and a distinct company culture to differentiate themselves in both the customer and talent markets, a growing contingent workforce raises concerns about...

Toxic workplaces: How HR can help by amplifying employee voices

Prioritising employee voice can be HR’s most effective tool in combatting workplace toxicity.

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