Green Party’s manifesto: What HR needs to know

The Green Party has released its manifesto, ahead of next month’s general election, focusing on environmental commitments, union support and wage changes.

Conservatives' manifesto: What HR needs to know

The Conservatives have announced their manifesto ahead of the general election (4 July). It highlighted childcare, skills, national insurance, pensions and welfare.

Adrian Chiles returns to tribunal over £1.7m IR35 case

TV presenter Adrian Chiles will head back to tribunal to face HMRC over £1.7 million in tax claims, after an appeal found that the first-tier tribunal (FTT) had misinterpreted the law.

How AI can enhance HR compliance

To implement AI effectively, organisations need to carefully plan where it fits into existing processes or the creation of new ones while staying within the parameters of the law and addressing...

How HR can prevent conflict at work

People who experience conflict in the workplace have lower job satisfaction and are more likely to experience poorer mental and physical health, according to a study from the CIPD.

Liberal Democrats’ manifesto: What HR needs to know

The Lib Dems have released their manifesto, ahead of the general election, highlighting gig workers’ rights, closing skills gaps, parental leave and sick pay.

Rise in remote work tribunal cases “tip of the iceberg”

The rise in remote working-related tribunal cases over the next few years will represent the “tip of the iceberg” of conflicts sparked by remote work requests and return-to-office mandates, according...

Sunak’s visa plans will damage labour market, say experts

Prime minister Rishi Sunak has announced that the number of visas available to migrants would be reduced each year if the Conservatives win the election.

Repeatedly misnaming employee is race harassment, tribunal rules

A British Indian bathroom salesman was harassed by a sales director who referred to him by the wrong name four times, a tribunal has ruled.

Flexible working: What does the law change mean for HR?

In early 2024, it might have seemed like all HR headlines were about the incoming Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023, which is better known as the flexible working law.

Avoid the rehire trap

Elon Musk's recent actions at Tesla have sparked a heated debate around the practice of mass layoffs followed by rehiring former employees.

Legal ease: What HR needs to know about belief-based discrimination

When balancing the desire to protect staff from offensive comments with employees’ rights to express their beliefs, employers should consider the findings of these key cases.