Operational Efficiency

How HR can retain Gen Z employees

Gen Z employees are difficult to retain, according to Jane Lu, CEO of Australian fashion brand ShowPo.

How to create a safe culture for discussing alcohol issues

Creating a supportive environment for employees struggling with alcohol requires a thoughtful, multifaceted approach that balances compassion with professionalism.

Autumn Budget 2024: HR reacts

Chancellor Rachel Reeves delivered Labour’s first budget in 14 years yesterday (30 October). We round up HR's reactions.

How HR can respond to employee violence

The UK Labour Party has suspended MP Mike Amesbury after a video appeared to show him punching a man, The Guardian reported on Sunday (27 October).

Employers to publish sexual harassment action plan or be ‘named and shamed’

The UK government is proposing that employers annually publish an action plan about their efforts to prevent sexual harassment within the workplace, or risk being added to a ‘name and shame’ list.

How Cook supports people back into work

With 9.26 million people out of work in the UK, the demand on employers to help them back to work has never been higher. Food manufacturer and retailer Cook created its Ready and Working (RAW) Talent...

Does the rise in temporary workers mean the fall of company culture?

As businesses invest in building strong values and a distinct company culture to differentiate themselves in both the customer and talent markets, a growing contingent workforce raises concerns about...

Boeing strike continues as workers reject 35% pay rise

Factory workers at aircraft manufacturer Boeing voted to reject a new contract offer that would have increased their wages by 35% over four years, and will remain on strike.

DPD driver wins £20k after colleagues gossip about flexible working

An employee of the delivery company DPD was awarded £20,000 in compensation after colleagues shared details of his flexible working arrangement and spread gossip.

Threefold spike in WhatsApps used as tribunal evidence

The number of employment tribunals using WhatsApp messages as evidence has tripled since 2019, according to analysis of HM Courts and Tribunal Service data by law firm Nockolds.

How to futureproof payroll

The UK payroll landscape continues to evolve at pace. Rather than HR leaders shying away from this, it’s something to be viewed as a real opportunity.

Post Office exploring employee-ownership model

Government ministers are exploring the option to move the Post Office to an employee-ownership model, according to a Sky News report on 21 October.