
What will our company cultures look like post-coronavirus?

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted all parts of life, including how we work. Organisations have had to quickly adapt to remote working, virtual meetings and developing a new set of communication...


Why HR needs to be aspirational not foundational

Employee experience (EX) matters. But what should we be doing in HR to really deliver excellence?


How to prepare the workforce for Coronavirus

Our lives have been drastically altered by the global pandemic of COVID-19, and the business impact has been inevitable.


Don’t get left behind: L&D in the digital age

Transformation in learning and development is seriously lagging behind and failing to keep up with user demand


How can businesses become more sustainable?

We are in a climate emergency, and experts from HR magazine’s lunchtime debate yesterday (18 March) argued that HR should be helping businesses to become carbon neutral

Innovation leader Harry Gaskell joins HR webinar panel

We are pleased to announce Harry Gaskell as our final panelist of the HR lunchtime debate webinar: ‘How can businesses become more sustainable?’.


What will return-to-work practices look like in the future?

A roundtable discussed how workplaces and employers will need to change to better accommodate parents returning to work

Register for a free employee engagement webinar

Don’t miss out on the latest webinar by Poppulo, which explores the connection between employee experience and engagement


SUEZ HR chief joins HR webinar panel

Tracey Leghorn, chief HR officer at SUEZ recycling and recover UK, has joined the HR lunchtime debate webinar: ‘How can businesses become more sustainable?’ The webinar will be hosted by HR magazine...


Why it pays to look after your employees’ health

You’ve spent time and money recruiting the right people for the right job. Now it’s time to nurture them


This guide provides a handy explainer for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the workplace and the critical role HR plays in developing an appropriate strategy.


Redundancy – why it pays to plan

Making employees redundant can be stressful for everyone. But planning ahead really can make a big difference