Hot topic: How HR can prepare for a Brexit job shock, part one

Since March, the spread of COVID-19 and resulting national lockdowns have led to significant job losses around the country. However, a no-deal Brexit could lead to even more.

UK’s persistent digital skills gap poses risk to economic recovery

A majority (69%) of UK leaders have said they believe their organisation currently has a digital skills gap, and 70% expect one to develop over the next year.

There’s never been a better time for HR to team up with building management teams

With a second lockdown in the UK and the return of work from home where you can advice, it’s clear that we’re now seeing long-term change when it comes to remote and flexible working.

International business is acting against domestic abuse

The spike in calls to helplines and reports of domestic abuse during lockdown is sadly not limited to the UK. The global stats make for just as sober reading as UK ones. Abuse does not discriminate...

Addressing gender imbalance in hospitality

?The latest research by a team of researchers from the University of Greenwich and the University of Surrey offers practical recommendations to fight gender inequalities in the workplace.

It's time for financial firms to “walk the walk” on diversity

It’s almost outdated to speak about how important the issue of diversity has become in our professional lives.

Workers trust robots more than their managers

Workers around the world are beginning to trust robots more than people to support their mental health.

Legal-ease: What HR needs to know about returning from furlough

HR magazine speaks to Simon Kerr-Davis, employment counsel at Linklaters about the legal implications of workers returning from furlough in part three of this month's cover story.

Training set to move up the agenda as workers return from furlough

Over one third (35%) of retail key workers, and 40% of those who work in groceries, have reported feeling underprepared to do their roles due to the way work has changed during the coronavirus...

Government return to work u-turn: It’s time to make a plan – no ifs or buts

If has become the watchword of the UK government’s response to coronavirus.

Efficiencies through technology: creating a new breed of manager

In today’s disruptive and challenging business environment, the role of the manager has rarely been so important.

How to find the best HR IT needle in the tech haystack

With so many HR apps and other IT solutions on offer, just how can you find the best one for you?
