Register here for our webinar on 'Culture eats strategy for breakfast… Achieving competitive edge through culture' on 7 February 12.30pm, in partnership with O. C. Tanner.
The last webinar in our series on culture with O. C. Tanner explored how HR can turn around toxic cultures – including those that allow sexual harassment, or perhaps data misuse or other kinds of unethical decision-making, to go unchecked. In this webinar we’ll be exploring how to create a culture that not only wards against highly negative – perhaps reputation- or even organisation-ruining – outcomes, but is a strongly positive force for good. We’ll discuss how to create a culture so distinct and compelling that it gives your organisation the edge in: attracting and retaining talent, inspiring and motivating employees, and ultimately in enhancing the organisation’s performance and bottom line.
Sign up to take part in the webinar on Thursday 7 February, 12.30pm