How to better support women at work

Employers can propel efforts to close the UK’s gender health gap. But they must act now.

The importance of HR initiatives in supporting women in leadership 

Less than a third of leadership positions are held by women, LinkedIn data suggests. According to the World Economic Forum, it will take around 140 years to close that gap completely.  

David Olusoga: Women are workplace changemakers

Women change workplace cultures by their very presence in traditionally male professions, the historian and broadcaster David Olusoga has stated, in the lead-up to International Women’s Day (today, 8...

Job shares are a win for all parties

Be curious. Identify challenges. Evolve. Evaluate. Rinse and repeat. This is how I practice my craft. Sometimes this leads to refinement, continuous improvement, optimisation.

Braverman’s tenure shows that having a diverse figurehead does not result in diverse thinking

The sacking of the former home secretary did not come as a shock to many. Throughout her time in office, Suella Braverman has been a divisive force.

Achieving gender parity requires commitment from leadership

Over the course of my career, I have had the opportunity to work in leadership roles for large, global companies across sectors spanning oil and gas, mining and, most recently, engineering and...

Closing the gender pay gap will empower women and deliver economic growth

If we want to be a high-growth country, we might start by tackling a problem which is as old as capitalism itself: the gender pay gap.

Three ways to fight for gender equality in an economic crisis

Amid soaring energy prices, high inflation and weakened consumer demand, speakers at the FT Women in Business Summit Europe on Tuesday (13 June) discussed how to empower resilient female leaders. 

Blame is attributed differently to male and female leaders, study finds

New research has found female leaders are given the benefit of the doubt when they do not achieve positive results, with failures put down to bad luck.

Diversity conversations causing frustrations

More than a quarter (26%) of employees find conversations about diversity and inclusion (D&I) frustrating and 22% of employees find them nerve wracking, according to a new report.

Proposed legislative changes should improve the situation for working women

Every year on International Women’s Day, we are called to reflect on what it means and how the position of women in society has changed.

Why the workplace just isn’t working for all women

With concerns over the rising cost of living and talk of recession in the air, we need as much economic prosperity as is humanly possible right now.