HR's role in dealing with terror threats

With terrorism affecting the Western world like never before it's imperative to keep employees feeling safe

Leading for purpose and profit

How the Unilever example proves purpose and profit are not mutually exclusive

Sports Direct review ‘a sop’, says academic

Sports Direct’s internal review into agency workers T&Cs is not good enough, according to an HRM professor

Two-fifths say businesses are behaving unethically

Corporate tax avoidance is the main ethical concern, followed by levels of executive pay

HR can change the world

Socio-political and economic issues are changing the world of work. HR should seize the opportunity

What business can learn from sporting scandals

Recent sporting scandals are reflective of immorality in human behaviour more generally

Half of employees not willing to raise concerns about misconduct

A third said their line manager rewarded good results even if ethically questionable practices were used

Making charity partnerships work

Charitable partnerships have long being recognised as an essential part of any CSR programme

At a glance: The Modern Slavery Act

The framework governing the responsibilities of businesses in the area of human rights is taking a new turn

Making corporate volunteering relevant to global businesses

Volunteering no longer needs to be a 'nice to do' afterthought in business

We must make business more sustainable

To thrive long-term, businesses must work to become more sustainable

The war on modern slavery

The introduction of the Modern Slavery Act is a chance for organisations and their HR functions to do more than simply comply