Errant umbrella firms to be named and shamed

The new CEO of the Freelance and Contractor Services Association (FCSA) has said he will name and shame umbrella companies that fall short of best practice compliance policies.

Reasonable adjustments for disabled workers in the age of hybrid working

Our new working environment, with many employees based both at home and in the office, means businesses may well need to take a long hard look at the reasonable adjustments they are making and ensure...

Love at work: what work wives and husbands mean for business

Being close with colleagues is a huge strength for teams, but when it comes to ‘work wives’ or ‘work husbands,’ is there such thing as too much love at work?

Non-disclosure agreements could be allowing discrimination to thrive

Gagging orders were in the news again this week with Channel 4 being asked by MP and former culture secretary Maria Miller to explain its alleged use of non-disclosure agreements against female...

Low-income workers relying on Universal Credit rise to 1.3 million

The number of workers on Universal Credit (UC) has increased by 1.3 million since the eve of the COVID-19 pandemic, a rise of 130%.

How HR can prevent staff from working extra hours

Employees in the UK, pre-pandemic, worked the equivalent of £35 billion in unpaid overtime. These figures have risen during the pandemic. According to global figures by the ADP Research Institute, one...

HR in 2022: taking stock of 2021

2022 will no doubt reprise many of the challenges of 2021, with tight talent markets and office plans upended again. The third year of the pandemic, however, will be more than a replay.


Strikes return after pandemic reprieve

Recent high-profile industrial action, such as the Transport for London (TfL) Night Tube walk-out, have signalled the return of strike action after a general pause over the past two years as a result...

Glassdoor's UK top 50 employers revealed

The top 50 UK companies to work for were announced this morning, 12 January, as compiled by Glassdoor in its 2022 Employees' Choice Awards – with tech companies making up 19 of the 50 entries.

Managing employee changes as a company scales

Fast-growth scale-ups – and tech companies in particular – can often face challenges to their HR strategy if they’re not properly prepared.

How to ‘fuel the soul’ with moments that matter after the festive season

Making opportunities to share and appreciate are vital – more so in this season of sharing. So Uber for Business invited HR Most Influential thinker Perry Timms, to tell us how he makes those moment...


Is it time to ditch Secret Santa?

Over a quarter (27%) of workers have admitted they think workplace Secret Santa is a waste of time and money.