UK workers face confidence crisis returning to work

Almost two fifths (37%) of people returning to work after a year away experience a loss in confidence, creating more concerns for workplaces post-coronavirus and beyond.

Less than one in five see gender equality at work

Just 19% of UK employees think there is gender equality in their workplace, according to new research by technology giant Samsung.

How can HR be a trans ally?

Safety is one of the biggest challenges currently faced by trans and non-binary employees in the workplace according to Benjamin Cohen, chief executive at LGBT+ news outlet PinkNews.

Suspension on mandatory gender pay gap reporting worrying HR

Almost a third of HR managers (32%) say their organisation does not report their gender pay gap.

Queens’s speech: young women let down by lack of support

The introduction of the Lifetime Skills Guarantee, announced in the Queen's Speech yesterday (11 May), has been broadly welcomed although there are concerns it will not do enough to protect young...

HR magazine launches diversity and inclusion clinic

HR magazine has launched a new Q&A column to answer HR’s burning diversity and inclusion questions.


HR not doing enough to combat sexist behaviour in the workplace

HR teams are not taking enough preventive measures to stop cases of sexism and sexual harassment taking place in the workplace.

Pandemic highlights need for gender inclusive parental leave

Volvo's announcement of 24 weeks paid parental leave for all genders highlights the shift in business mindset when it comes to employee benefits.

Thousands of organisations opt out of gender pay gap reporting

The number of employers publishing their gender pay gap data has fallen in its thousands since 2018 according to new analysis from the CIPD.

Gender equality is the largest challenge post-coronavirus

Data is already showing that the risk of a She-cession as a result of the pandemic is real. Not only have women taken on more responsibilities at home – schooling and caring for children and elderly...


Women discriminated against at work for starting families

Employers are discriminating against women who may go onto have children, according to new research by women’s charity Young Women’s Trust.

Lack of menopause support at work pushing women to resign

Nearly half (45%) of working women with menopause consider retiring or taking a break from work, yet employer support could help keep them in the workforce.