Next equal pay battle advances as women’s work ruled of equal value to men

The three women at the lead of an equal pay battle against Next have won the right to take their case onto the final stage.

Carer made redundant instead of furloughed was unfairly dismissed

A tribunal has found that a carer was unfairly dismissed during the pandemic as her employer failed to consider furlough instead of redundancy.

The new Failure to Prevent Fraud offence: the employer perspective

Fraud is now the most prevalent criminal offence in the UK, with the government reporting that fraud represents more than 40% of all crime.

Algorithms on the job: data-driven wages and discrimination drivers

As with all things to do with AI, algorithmic or 'algorithmically personalised' wages is a hot topic.

Retained EU Law repeals are simply an administrative clear-up

The government's intention to repeal some employment law provisions as part of the Retained EU Law Bill has caused a stir among employment lawyers and HR professionals but the reality is, for the...

Breast cancer survivor wins £30,000 in disability discrimination claim

Marketing manager Lucy Lyddall has won a discrimination claim after being dismissed without warning following treatment for breast cancer.


Half of UK gig economy workers paid below minimum wage

Half (52%) of UK gig economy workers earn below minimum wage, according to a study by the University of Bristol.

How strike laws and restrictions differ across Europe

Sustained and widespread strike action continues to dominate the headlines this year, driven by rising inflation and the cost of living crisis. While the potential for severe disruption is a common...

How should HR support employees with postpartum depression? 

According to the World Health Organisation, almost one in five women will experience a mental health condition during pregnancy or in the year after the birth of their children.  

Workplace conflict costs the UK £28.5 billion a year

More than one in three workers experience conflict at work at a cost of £28.5 billion per year in the UK, according to research by advisory group ReWAGE.

How HR can survive the tribunal jungle

It can be difficult to predict the outcome of an employment tribunal, so it’s important to understand how to maximise your chances of success.

Government opens IR35 consultation

The government has published new tax policy proposals and a technical consultation on IR35 as part of Tax Administration and Maintenance Day (TAMD).