Hot topic, part two: Donald Trump's presidency

What will his presidency mean for business? We ask how Trump could affect organisations around the world

Hot topic: Donald Trump's presidency

What will his presidency mean for business? We ask how Trump could affect organisations around the world

What can 'liberated companies' teach HR?

A ‘liberated company’ is one where the staff have complete freedom to take actions they decide are best for it

The different faces of the gig economy

According to a McKinsey report gig workers have very different experiences but generally fit into categories: free agents, casual earners, reluctants and the financially strapped

Employment status: Key characteristics

Post Uber-tribunal, employers may be concerned to make sure they have employment statuses clear

Tough gig: Making the gig economy work for everyone

Gig working is getting more popular, but has been heavily publicly criticised. So is it all it’s cracked up to be?

A framework for effective leadership

We should re-examine leadership because there's generally too much focus on those at the top

Becoming employee-owned: Why and how to do it

On national Employee Ownership Day, Agilisys' HRD explains the company’s decision to move to this business model

Ulrich: CEOs need what we in HR bring

HR can provide the answers to many of the CEO's problems, according to Dave Ulrich

Help create tar-pit cyber security for your organisation

HR departments must seek to protect their own sensitive data and educate the wider organisation

Zappos HRD: I 'hated' holacracy at first

Zappos HRD Hollie Delaney talks about implementing holacracy at the online retailer

Why HR leaders needs to be systems thinkers

Systems thinking should be applied to organisation design and management
