As the UK continues to mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the government has announced that the day of her funeral will be a bank holiday, as well as a Day of National Mourning.
It's easy to post a rainbow flag on social media for Pride month, but this act alone isn't going to help the fight for equality. You don't want to make a public gesture if you don't have a supportive...
Several changes to employment legislation are coming in April. The cost-of-living crisis is at the forefront of the agenda, and many of these changes are designed to to put more money in people’s...
Benedict Plowden, the director of Transport for London (TfL), has stepped down amid reports that his wife is a core member of Insulate Britain, the protest group which is causing widespread disruption...
Workplaces are becoming increasingly politicised, with research from Jobsite finding that 46% of employees have noticed an increase in political discussion among colleagues
Employers can ask employees to report colleagues for infractions but they should consider the negative implications
The ECJ has decided it's not religious discrimination to ban Islamic headscarves at work. But care must still be taken
Post Uber-tribunal, employers may be concerned to make sure they have employment statuses clear
In light of the TUC's shocking report into sexual harassment at work, what are employers' responsibilities?