Nosa Omoigui

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Is it time to be more creative with payroll?

Alternative methods of payroll such as early wage access (EWA) could be a solution to the UK's cost of living crisis.


Workspaces failing needs of neurodiverse employees

Office designs are failing workers with neurodiverse needs by not accommodating for their differing sensory needs.


Freelancers plugging skills gaps rather than permanent hires

HR directors across the UK are looking to plug the skills gap with freelancers and contractors rather than permanent hires.


Ramadan: how employers can support Muslim colleagues

HR professionals have a key role to play when it comes to supporting Muslim employees during Ramadan, including planning a work day around fasting and giving workers the necessary time off.


HR professionals more confident in job prospects post pandemic

More than three quarters of HR professionals have more confidence in their future job prospects – emboldened by the Covid-19 pandemic.


HR needs to take digital lead to crack flexible working

If employers want to encourage more asynchronous work, and allow employees to plan their own hours outside the nine-to-five, HR has to get ahead on digital transformation.


Employers re-skill for cloud rather than lose staff

As employers turn to training and skills to tackle retention, creativity is needed when thinking about what to offer.


Stonewall CEO: creating a safe space for ideas key to trans inclusion

Senior leadership involvement is vital to ensure trans inclusivity at work, and HR can help, says LGBT+ charity Stonewall.


Unconscious bias observers could boost interview inclusivity

Including impartial unconscious bias observers in interviews could help to make recruitment more inclusive for LGBT+ job seekers, according to research from the University of Manchester.


Barty retirement should inspire young workers to chase dreams

Ashleigh Barty's retirement from tennis at 25 shocked the world – but others could learn from the courage it take to quit at the top of your game.


TikTok star's office move-in protest goes viral

A former US employee of an engineering firm went viral on TikTok this month after he moved into his office for four days.


HR community reacts to chancellor's Spring Statement

Chancellor Rishi Sunak's Spring Statement announced income tax cuts for workers, yet many feel it has failed to address concerns surrounding the UK's cost of living crisis.
