Pay transparency

Majority of UK companies plan increased pay transparency

Currently 16% of UK companies are disclosing individual pay ranges to employees, the majority (54%) are considering doing so in the future, according to a study from broking company WTW.


Ensure you have a transparent approach to pay or risk disruption later on

As HR professionals, you’re probably familiar with the common issue of recruiting people on salaries that are higher than your internal pay ranges. It’s a huge cause of much of the inequity we see in...

Show us the money! Is the UK falling behind on pay transparency?

With the Times reporting that over half of UK job adverts do not display salary or pay brackets, could the push for pay transparency be over?

Equal pay audits missing from half of UK businesses

Half (51%) of UK organisations have never completed an equal pay audit, according to research from reward consultancy, 3R Strategy.

Should the UK follow the EU and introduce a pay transparency directive?

The EU has approved a new pay transparency directive which aims to close the gender pay gap.

Pay transparency: seven lessons

Employees are rightly demanding more transparency and openness around rewards, and we at JTI UK have long wanted to rise to the challenge. But we also knew greater disclosure comes with risks.

Why organisations should be planning for pay transparency sooner rather than later

It shouldn’t take legislation to make an organisation open and honest on pay with employees and future talent. It should happen because it’s the right thing to do – and you need to start planning to...

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The dangers of being too open about pay

Pay transparency has slipped to a six-year low in the UK, with reports suggesting that only 60% of job adverts in 2022 disclosed the offered salary, down from 64% in 2021.

Salary transparency in job ads reaches six year low

The number of job ads where salary is advertised has decreased during 2022, reaching its lowest level in the last six years.

An end to the pay taboo - how to personalise employee compensation

At a time of stagflation and worries over cost of living and utility bill shock, it’s natural that many of us will be looking at our compensation packages and checking whether we’re receiving the...

Workers need to understand their pay to cope with the cost of living crisis 

As if the past two years haven’t been tough enough for UK workers on both a personal and professional level, they’re now facing a cost-of-living crisis and rampant inflation at its highest level in 40...