
Poor communication in recruitment biggest 'red flag' for candidates

Over half (57%) of employees said a lack of communication was the biggest red flag that gave them a negative impression of an employer during the hiring process, a survey by HR software provider HiBob...

Why it's time to stop ghosting candidates

Value-driven organisations the world over speak about respect, diversity and inclusion, integrity and trust. And yet something is happening in their midst that suggests the very opposite to candidates...

Honesty is the best policy: Caroline Cording, Mamas & Papas

Having worked at BHS, Habitat and now Mamas & Papas, Caroline Cording is no stranger to uncertainty. Beau Jackson finds out the high-street veteran’s secret to building people resilience

How to interview candidates with a war-induced trauma

People who have experienced a war-induced trauma respond differently to things we consider normal outside of an area of conflict.

How to spot emotional intelligence in candidates

Emotional intelligence is a critical soft skill in high demand by recruiters, but what does this look like in prospective job candidates?

Is the UK done with career break stigma?

Gaps on a CV can be for anything from travelling to raising children and are rarely an indication of how 'ready' someone is for work. But are employers finally ready to drop the stigma?

Unconscious bias observers could boost interview inclusivity

Including impartial unconscious bias observers in interviews could help to make recruitment more inclusive for LGBT+ job seekers, according to research from the University of Manchester.

How I got here: Steve Rockey, Home Grown Hotels and Lime Wood Group

Steve Rockey, people director at Home Grown Hotels and Lime Wood Group, shares his tips for a successful career in HR.

Complex hiring processes are losing talent

Half (50%) of all UK professionals have declined a job offer because the hiring process was too long.

12 months of 2021: September

It was another year of turbulence for people professionals. Our 12 Days of Christmas countdown reviews what made the headlines in 2021.

The evolution of the interview

The past two years have been anything but normal for recruitment. From video calls and virtual onboarding to online applications and remote working, HR teams need to adapt rapidly to the changes and...

How I got here: Tony Elliott, Robertson Group

Tony Elliott, group HR director at construction engineering firm Robertson Group, shares his tips for a successful career in HR.