Female representation on FTSE 350 executive committees has fallen for the first time in eight years, according to research by gender parity consultancy The Pipeline.
Ethnic representation on leadership teams rose from 59% to 81% between May 2022 and 2023, while the number of companies with LGBTQ+ leadership has risen from 34% to 56% in the same time period,...
Zurich UK has seen a fivefold increase in the number of female part-time hires since it started offering all roles on a part-time or flexible basis in 2019.
Non-binary employees are better represented in the workplace when backed by an organisation which sets goals specifically to help them.
The misconception that HR revolves solely around soft skills could be leading less men to enter the profession.
Gender pay gap reporting has been with us since 2017 - the UK being at the forefront of legislation in this area.
Statistics around inequality for women in the workplace are both easy to find and damning, like the fact that in 2021, the average gender pay gap among full-time employees was 7.9%.
Women with the skills to make it to the top are being kept from realising their potential by CV-based hiring processes.
Little progress has been made on reducing gender and ethnicity pay gaps, but support for their publication is growing, according to new research.
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are high on the C-suite agenda, and CEOs are increasingly tying their pay to values like engagement and diversity.