
Chief constable who lied about naval career dismissed for gross misconduct

A chief constable of Northamptonshire Police who lied and exaggerated his naval rank, length of service and achievements has been dismissed for gross misconduct.

Carling brewer scraps CVs in recruitment

Jobseekers will no longer be asked to provide a CV when applying for certain roles at brewer Molson Coors, the producer of Carling, Fosters and Coors Light, to encourage inclusion and diversity.

Don’t believe the CV is dead

The CV always was, and still is, the key to unlocking the interview gates. It’s not that digital technology has passed executive search by, in fact, it has helped enormously, but nothing quite...

CVs branded outdated by younger workers

Many young workers are finding CVs an obstacle to finding their dream job, with 43% saying they are an outdated recruitment model, according to research from software company Arctic Shores.

Are CVs the best way to assess candidates?

Most firms still use CVs as the main way of screening candidates, but almost the same number have considered cutting them out completely.

Is the UK done with career break stigma?

Gaps on a CV can be for anything from travelling to raising children and are rarely an indication of how 'ready' someone is for work. But are employers finally ready to drop the stigma?

Half of employers advertising legal requirements as job perks

UK employers are advertising pensions, sick pay and training as job perks despite them being obliged to offer them by law.

CV-based hiring a barrier to women's recruitment

Women with the skills to make it to the top are being kept from realising their potential by CV-based hiring processes.

Is the UK a meritocracy? Brits don’t think so

The vast majority (80%) of British people think no matter how hard they work, people with better business contacts will always get ahead.

Poor strategy crippling D&I efforts

Over half (51%) of SMEs don’t have a process for setting diversity hiring goals, according to a new report.

AI can make recruitment more human

Rather than taking the focus away from people, AI can help to create a more “human process", according to Unilever's CHRO