
Job ad for “underclass” applicants deemed “disturbing”

Commentators have criticised a job advert that invited applicants from “working-class, benefit class, criminal class and/or underclass” backgrounds.

We must all help eradicate the class pay gap

If I was a man working full-time in the UK, I could stop working today and still earn the same as the average full-time woman for the year. But I’m a woman, and today is Equal Pay Day.

Is Keir Starmer right about communication's ability to break the ‘class ceiling’?

Labour leader Keir Starmer has vowed to improve children’s speaking skills to help breakdown class barriers in the UK, but is better oracy the key to improving social mobility?

TUC: "Stark" class divide in over-50s leaving work

Over 50s in working class professions on low incomes are much more likely to be forced out by long-term sickness than higher earners, according to the Trades Union Congress (TUC).

Social class largest barrier to career progression

Socio-economic background is having the strongest negative effect on employee promotions, according to research from KPMG.

How to define socio-economic background

There have always been several different questions that employers can ask to determine the socio-economic background of their employees, including parental qualifications, parental occupation, type of...

Social mobility: The route less travelled in D&I, part two

Employers are getting to grips with social mobility as part of building a fairer workplace. Beau Jackson reports on the pitfalls HR needs to be aware of when taking its first steps.

Social mobility: The route less travelled in diversity and inclusion

Employers are getting to grips with social mobility as part of building a fairer workplace. Beau Jackson reports on the pitfalls HR needs to be aware of when taking its first steps.

Half from disadvantaged backgrounds find recruitment unfair

New research has revealed 50% of jobseekers from lower socio-economic backgrounds feel they are missing out on employment opportunities because the recruitment process is "unfair” towards them.

KPMG sets working class diversity targets

Last week Big Four professional services firm KPMG announced that it would be aiming for 29% representation of partners and directors from working class backgrounds by 2030.

Quarter change how they speak at work to fit in

Over half (55%) of workers believe stigma around regional accents negatively impacts career progression, according to the Equality Group

Graduate schemes falling short on diversity

Recent graduates feel grad schemes are outdated and don't offer all applicants a fair chance, according to research