
Interview: Abigail Wilmore, founder of People Flow

Abigail Wilmore, founder of a HR community called People Flow, has compiled a CV full of iconic fashion brands, as Millicent Machell discovers.

Brand design success is down to the HR function, not the marketing function

I work in brand design and over the years I’ve learnt that the head of HR is often my most important ally in a client business. Many people may have guessed the marketing department, but they’d be...

Layoff alternatives called for as tech sector redundancies hit 200,000

With Google, Microsoft and Spotify the latest technology companies to announce redundancy plans, HR and legal experts are calling on businesses to consider other options and good processes.


Why it's time to stop ghosting candidates

Value-driven organisations the world over speak about respect, diversity and inclusion, integrity and trust. And yet something is happening in their midst that suggests the very opposite to candidates...

FTSE 100 net zero goal to become vital to talent attraction

With 82% of FTSE 100 companies now aiming to meet net zero carbon emissions by 2050, some experts say environmental credentials will set employers apart in candidates’ eyes.

Public vs. private vs. third sector HR: The unique challenges

There are undeniably unique features of each sector that prospective multi-sector HRDs must bear in mind