
Longer hours preferable to poor culture for staff

Culture is vital to retention but many organisations are still slow in making improvements, according to research

Flexible working more important than role prestige and pay

A third of Brits (30%) say that flexible working is so important they would prioritise it over a more prestigious role

Government's disabled worker targets: Experts respond

Amber Rudd's plans to change the benefits system and get more disabled people into work have received a mixed response

Employment minister: Poor progress for workers with disabilities

Speakers at a Resolution Foundation event said that more must be done to boost the number of people with disabilities in the workplace

Half with money worries believe it's affected their work

Nearly half of people with money worries believe the quality of their work suffers as a result, according to Aegon

British workers reject nine to five working

More than half of UK adults (58%) want to move away from traditional working patterns, according to research by McDonald's

Employees unaware of death in service benefits

Misconceptions around death in service benefits could be leaving employees in a vulnerable financial position, according to research from Direct Line Group

Employees unclear about workplace benefits

People are far more likely to apply for jobs where the employee benefits are made clear, research has shown

CIPD: communication tops the list of reward issues facing HR professionals

More than three quarters (78%) of reward professionals continue to be concerned about the ability of their organisations to manage reward risks, according to the annual Reward Risks Survey by CIPD.


Benefits Case Study: Tesco - A big break for work-life balance

Tesco's Lifestyle Breaks give employees the chance to spend time with their children, renovate their house, go travelling, have plastic surgery - whatever takes their fancy.