New normal

Long COVID could change work for all with long-term illness

We all want to stay well – that’s why we drag our not-fully rested bodies out of bed early to do a workout and convince ourselves that a Caesar salad is just as tasty as a burger and fries.

Collaboration lessons from the UK's first post-lockdown events

Though people in the UK are largely able to eat, drink and socialise however they choose to, the idea of pitching up at an indoor event elbow-to-elbow with thousands of other people is still...

How to ensure no-one’s on mute – managing bias on video calls

Despite lockdown easing and many planning a staggered or partial return to the office, homeworking and video calls will likely be a mainstay for many businesses. However, virtual meetings are not...

How HR can shape the next normal?

The last year has been like no other for HR professionals – digesting and understanding new legislation, making workplaces COVID-19 safe, dealing with sensitive issues such as pay cuts – and in many...

Roadmap out of lockdown: where next for HR? Questions answered

As the UK ploughs forward on its roadmap out of lockdown, HR leaders will be transitioning to the next stage of recovery – shaping working practices not just for survival but for the long term.

Keeping teams happy, healthy and productive in the new normal

Due to COVID-19, employers and their HR teams across the country have been adjusting to managing employees remotely and the many challenges this poses. One of the main stumbling blocks has been how to...

Back to life, back to (a new) reality: the workplace after furlough

As workers return from furlough and businesses begin to awake from enforced hibernation, HR will need to overcome some tricky challenges.

Managing your people effectively in the post-pandemic era

The coronavirus lockdown has forced millions of employees to adapt to socially distanced working arrangements and working remotely - a trend many expect to continue well after the pandemic subsides.

Protection from employee competition in the new normal

As lockdown is winding down and the economy is restarting, employers should be on the lookout for unlawful employee competition activity.

The 'new normal' environment is no place for leaders who want to play it safe

The current economic difficulties have backed many CEOs into a corner where they are forced to focus almost exclusively on the numbers and nothing else. But is just an easy and convenient excuse for...