All on-call hours must be paid at Covert Authorities Bureau

On-call hours worked by employees of Covert Authorities Bureau (CAB) at Humberside Police Force were working hours and should be paid in full, a tribunal has ruled. 

Poor communication in recruitment biggest 'red flag' for candidates

Over half (57%) of employees said a lack of communication was the biggest red flag that gave them a negative impression of an employer during the hiring process, a survey by HR software provider HiBob...

Sainsbury’s manager wins tribunal over International Men’s Day post

Daren Cooper, a manager at Sainsbury’s supermarket, has won a disability harassment claim after he was not included in an ‘International Men’s Day’ post sent to colleagues and published on LinkedIn.

Union demands maximum work temperature law

The Trade Union Congress (TUC) has called on the next government to introduce new legal maximum working temperatures (25 June).

Why wellbeing strategy must account for breakup and divorce

HR can improve productivity by tailoring their organisation’s benefits and wellbeing strategy towards supporting employees going through breakup and divorce.

Minister accused of 'cronyism' after hiring associate

A Conservative health minister was accused of cronyism after he overlooked civil servants’ concerns that hiring an associate presented a conflict of interest, the Guardian reported (24 June).

Business growth and transformation worries HR

A quarter (25%) of HR leaders cited business growth, change and transformation as their top concern, a study by management specialist platform, the Talent Labs, has shown (24 June).

Are Gen Z demands excessive or simply well-articulated?

A few weeks ago, a study revealed that nearly half of UK managers intend on hiring Gen Z employees over the summer. But almost all managers (96%) reported challenges with engaging them.

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Addiction recovery in UK workplaces: How to shift the narrative

Are UK employers ready to adopt a US-style approach to supporting people in addiction and recovery?

Do you need a copyright licence?

Virtually all published content from print or digital sources is protected by copyright. A copyright licence is required if any of your colleagues make copies of the millions of online or print...


A million of UK’s lowest earners miss out on sick pay

A million (1.15 million) workers – 3.5% of the UK workforce – are not eligible for statutory sick pay (SSP) as they do not meet the earnings threshold of £123 per week, a report from think tank The...