Employers' lax attitude to data security worries workers

Six out of 10 employees have been put at risk because of their employers lax approach to data security.

According to life assistance company CPP, 91% of UK employees say their workplace has not toughened up its data protection policy in the light of security breaches in the news.

The research suggests that company bosses are including employees' personal details on company websites and in unsecured files and one in five employees admit they don't trust their employers to protect their personal details at work.

Staff are worried about data security - 40% have no idea who has access to their personal information - while 84% of employers think there should be penalties for companies that lose employees data.

Danny Harrison, identity theft expert at CPP, said: "ID theft, as a result of employers' carelessness, is now a real concern for British workers and we are at greater risk than ever before. Employees need to consider their options to guard against this, such as taking out identity protection, but there should also be a push for change to ensure their workplaces toughen up their act."