International Transgender Day of Visibility happens annually on 31 March, and is an opportunity to both celebrate transgender people and highlight the discrimination many still face in the workplace, wider society, and their personal lives.
It was started by US activist Rachel Crandall in 2009, who felt the only other day devoted to transgender people specifically (Transgender Day of Remembrance, 20 November) mourned those who had been murdered but didn't recognise the living.
In honour of International Transgender Day of Visibility we've rounded up some content you may find informative, inspiring, or food for thought.
Most organisations have policies in place covering lesbian and gay employees, and have done for some years. But many workplaces lack policies for transgender and non-binary individuals. We explored what employers must do to ensure they're truly inclusive of everyone.
Joanne Lockwood: My gender journey
Founder and CEO of D&I practice SEE Change Happen Joanne Lockwood candidly shares her experience of transitioning and the hurdles that exist in the the recruitment process.
Legal lowdown: Tackling transphobia at work
Gender reassignment is a protected characteristic, but employers need to do more to stamp out discrimination. This legal piece outlines recent case law, where the Equality Act applies, and what trans employees experiencing discrimination can do.
An examination of the employment tribunal case against Primark and whether it could have been avoided if the retailer had a more sophisticated HRIS.
Open culture key to transgender inclusivity
A case study examining how Asda works to be as inclusive as possible. Key is not shying away from difficult questions and practical guidance to support individuals who are transitioning.