
Carers | HR must encourage working carers to seek support

Encouraging employees who have caring responsibilities to get the support they need is essential.

HR technology | HR has an AI-powered disability problem

Unless the unintended consequences of AI-powered HR technology are urgently addressed, hundreds of millions worldwide face lifetimes of economic and societal exclusion.

Alcohol | Work socials need to be more inclusive of those who don't drink

While inclusivity in the workplace is high on the agenda, the fact that 34% of employees avoid work socials because alcohol will be present, suggests that more needs to be done to help those of us...

Recruitment | Respectful recruitment moves us away from power dynamics

Recruitment can be a daunting process for all involved. Employers may struggle to find the perfect fit, while candidates face rounds of tests and interviews, often with uncertain outcomes. 

Transformation | Culture change is broken. Here's how to fix it

Is there a better way to deliver cultural change? According to research by McKinsey, 70% of culture change programmes fail.

Trust | Is radical transparency needed in a high-trust culture?

The pressures facing both employers and employees have supercharged debates around flexibility, inclusion and the relationship between business and colleagues.

Wellbeing | What HR should ask before working with an EAP

Finding the right Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is crucial for businesses seeking to support the mental health and wellbeing of their workforce.  

Employee engagement | Can autonomy fix the motivation crisis? 

Disengagement in the UK workplace has staggeringly increased. Studies show that around 90% of employees feel unmotivated at work.

Leadership | Don't be seduced by the heroic leader fallacy

Heroic leadership still holds us in its – mostly hairy and ever-so-masculine – vice-like grip, and attempts to encourage more reflective and reflexive practices frequently run up against the need to...

Wellbeing | “Sick-note culture” is a misdiagnosis of the UK’s ill-health workforce crisis

Earlier this month, Rishi Sunak claimed that the UK is in the grips of a “sick-note culture,” resulting in a significant rise in people being unnecessarily signed off work.

Wellbeing | "EAPs are essential. Abandoning them puts workers' wellbeing at risk"

The inability of employee assistance programmes (EAPs) to meet massive increases in demand for mental health support – counselling in particular – without going fully digital or EAP-by-app, is a real...

Mental health | How employers can help prevent suicide 

My charity has collaborated with HR directors, academics and others to create the Workplace Pledge for suicide prevention in the workplace.