
Employee benefits | Could Summer Fridays unlock productivity?

When Einstein discovered the theory of relativity, he was not at his desk tinkering with his calculator. He was sitting on a train, watching light bounce.

Mental health | How can HR support Mental Health First Aiders?

Mental health first aiders are having life-changing and lifesaving conversations every day. But they need comprehensive support to keep doing so.

Equal opportunities | Why social mobility should be high on HR’s agenda

It's time to make social mobility an essential part of any company’s agenda.

Management | Beyond exit interviews: Three steps to productive offboarding

Employee experience is arguably one of the most important aspects of any business, and can sometimes feel like one of the hardest to crack. HR teams are largely responsible for ensuring employee...

Leadership | How to be successful in the first 90 days

What should HR professionals in a new role do to ensure success?

Diversity and inclusion | Why the UK needs a joined-up disability, health and work strategy

To create truly inclusive workplaces, it’s time to revisit how we create and implement employment policy.

Retention | How leaders can foster engagement during the ‘Big Stay’

As workers delay moving jobs, it is becoming far more important for leaders to keep employees engaged and energised.


Technology | How AI can enhance HR compliance

To implement AI effectively, organisations need to carefully plan where it fits into existing processes or the creation of new ones while staying within the parameters of the law and addressing...

Leadership | How HR can tackle management overwhelm

Managing people is hard, and our new YouGov survey has revealed that it’s getting harder. A shocking 73% of managers are not currently getting the support they need. 

D&I | Return to office policies must work for neurodivergent staff

There are a range of ways for HR leaders to help make return to office policies work better for neurodivergent people.

Culture | How HR can navigate political polarisation in the workplace

Navigating politics in the workplace is both a delicate and complex task for employers, people leaders and employees.

Culture | The cost of niceness 

On the surface, the word “nice” is seen as a positive, even in business. But what does it mean to have a “nice” workplace culture?