
Occupational health | Three ways to avoid ‘wellbeing washing’ in the workplace

‘Wellbeing washing’ has been getting an increasing focus in the business world. But is it a fair description of what’s really happening in mental health and wellbeing in workplaces?

D&I | Five ways to embrace new inclusive apprenticeship recruitment opportunities

More doors than ever have been opened by the latest ESFA apprenticeship funding rules, cementing opportunities for asylum seekers and opening up apprenticeships to qualifying prisoners, wishing to...

Harassment | Allegations of sexual misconduct in the workplace: innocent until proven 'guilty'?

This week Tony Danker stepped down from his role as director general of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) while an independent investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct takes...

Leaders | Does perfectionism damage leadership?

Are we setting ourselves up for failure by expecting perfection from our leaders?

Gender | Avoiding virtue signalling on International Women's Day

You’re a business considering sharing content in support of International Women’s Day (IWD). By all means take action, but first, take note.

Wellbeing | What Nordic culture teaches us about happiness at work

A recent survey by Indeed revealed that more than a third of UK workers are unhappy in their jobs. This doesn’t sound like the much-heralded future of work.

Tax | Are the tax rules on homeworking fit for purpose?

The Covid-19 pandemic ushered in a new era for how many of us work. Full or partial remote working is now the norm for many and given late last year the government announced plans to allow millions of...

Safety | Why McDonald's is still getting it wrong on sexual harassment

McDonald's anti-sexual harassment pledge with the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), though laudable in principle, misses the mark.

Leadership development | Have we lost the case for responsible leadership?

No one wants to return to the crisis conditions the world faced three years ago but, as we learn to live with Covid, there is a danger that leaders might lose some of their appetite for change. I...

Engagement | How engagement between employers and employees has changed

Covid-19 meant that many employers had to change how they operated. Indeed, many employers are still grappling with agile working and, in particular, getting colleagues back into the office. But this...

Productivity | The best way to claw back UK business’s lost billions

We’re often told that one of the main things holding back UK business is the productivity gap – that we produce less per capita than our international competitors.