
Diversity and inclusion | The leadership disconnect: acknowledging DE&I and taking action

Although a significant majority of HR directors and CEOs recognise that employee demands for diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) are a major concern for their business, according to Barnett...

Compliance | What lessons can HR learn from Amazon's €32 million employee monitoring fine?

Employee monitoring is a dynamic area with tools constantly advancing, enabling employers to measure the output and performance of employees more closely.

Global mobility | Showing hesitant employees the benefit of relocation

Being paid to relocate your professional and personal life to another part of the world may seem like a dream come true for many, and employers today certainly recognise this.

Wellbeing | How to address silent burnout among frontline workers 

The new year sees many people take on new habits or ways of life. They want to get fit, or take a round-the-world trip, or maybe they want to go for a promotion at work or get a new job. In some...

Cost of living | 'Loud budgeting' is trending – here's what HR can learn

There’s a reason trends go viral. It’s because they tap into the zeitgeist and vocalise something lots of us are thinking. This is certainly the case with 'loud budgeting'. 

DE&I | Time for action: breaking down barriers to gender equality in business

In the wake of the recently released Fortune 500 Europe list, the glaring statistic that women CEOs constitute only 7% of the total is cause for concern. When we delve deeper and look at factors such...

Leadership | Adaptability and empathy as strategy – crafting future leaders 

The boardroom of the future is one where leaders' decisions aren't just driven by numbers, but are made with a deep understanding of human emotions, human adaptability and leveraging how we respond to...

Skills | Using global mobility to navigate the skills gap

For businesses with an eye on growth, skills-based hiring will play a significant role in talent management in 2024, as the rapidly evolving job market demands individuals who can quickly adapt to...

Carers | Why childcare needs to become an employer priority

Sadly, the recent news that almost a quarter of a million female workers are considering leaving their jobs due to a lack of adequate childcare support has come as little surprise.

Transformation | Using staff networks to drive change

Diversity management has come to the forefront of the recruitment and retention strategies for many organisations. As business leaders grapple with talent shortages and ‘quiet quitting’, there is a...

DE&I | Turning intentions into outcomes: how businesses can make DE&I meaningful 

Over the last decade, we’ve seen inequalities brought to the fore and only exacerbated by socioeconomic challenges.

Wellbeing | Employee mental health: an international problem with a local solution

Supporting mental health is generally understood in the UK to be a key element in employee health and wellbeing. However, attitudes towards mental health differ around the world.