Just 51% of UK employees think their senior leadership team is empathetic, according to software company O.C. Tanner.
David Cameron is back in the corridors of power as Rishi Sunak announced last month (November) he had the job of foreign secretary.
When only 10% of UK employees thrive in the workplace, does this mean leaders are failing in their duty to lead? Or is it time to re-evaluate what leadership is all about?
In the ever-evolving business landscape, the skills, mindset and behaviours that have led to past success - particularly for highly skilled individuals - are no longer sufficient for effective...
WeWork became the poster child for a shared office industry riding two waves: excess capital and surging demand. The pandemic brought further disruption to the office model, with significantly more...
Reverse mentoring is an innovative approach that turns the traditional mentoring paradigm on its head.
If the past couple of years have taught us anything, then surely it’s to prepare for the unexpected.
Data speaks volumes, and it all points to the significant mental health crisis that looms over our workplaces and society at large.
On 30 September the NHS rolled out its 'fit and proper person test' (FPPT) framework for vetting top-level executive and non-executive directors.
Despite the huge impact the pandemic lockdowns had on the cinema market, Vue has been able to continue growing – and people policies have been a key part of that. BEAU JACKSON finds out more
For some senior leaders, this could be the role of a lifetime. The Prince and Princess of Wales are advertising for a CEO to join the team at Kensington Palace, symbolising an era of change for the...
It is perhaps easy with hindsight after a tragedy to see where individuals and organisations failed to apply due diligence, openness and a willingness to listen and instead took a ‘protectionist’...