Wage stagnation threatens wellbeing of low-paid workers

While a short supply of candidates has driven up starting salaries to near-record levels, wages are still expected to fall behind the cost of living.

What’s in a name: supporting workplace inclusivity through #MyNameIs

Nyongo’o. Chopin. Kaluuya. Each have their significant impact in the world of art and culture. However, they are names. Names which even with every letter, punctuation, and pronunciation, roll off the...

Why Boris is dangerously similar to Trump and what CEOs can learn from this

They both possess striking blond mops of hair, have easy smiles, buckets of self-confidence, oodles of charisma and a flair for inspirational public speaking. These are all qualities that every CEO...

Cutting through complexity  

If there’s one lesson we can take from the pandemic, it’s the importance of authentic, clear communication. We live in a world where government guidance on what we can and can’t do is ever-changing...

Investigations into cultural practices: when should HR bring in outside help?

Proper external investigative practice requires impartiality, significant resources, and a detailed understanding of the organisation’s culture, experts have warned.

New Way to Work government policy unfit and unethical, experts warn

The Department for Work and Pensions' (DWP) new jobs programme Way to Work has faced media backlash for its methods and many in the sector fear it will be counterproductive in the long term.

The evolution of capitalism: profit or purpose?

Is profit the fundamental criterion for a business? As capitalism is evolving under our feet, and that evolution is accelerating since COVID-19, we’re seeing a shift of emphasis from the pre-eminence...

Providing HR support for employees with relationship difficulties

When a relationship ends – whether a couple is going through divorce proceedings or ending a period of co-habitation – this can have a huge impact on a member of staff’s work life.

Climate 'lip service' stalls progress and leaves employees flat

Many British businesses see climate policy merely as a branding exercise, rather than something fundamental to future growth, research suggests.

How to ensure a speak-up culture

Despite the events of the last year and half, which saw seismic societal issues brought to the fore, there was a decline in internal incident reporting – and a continuing trend of fewer reports of...

How to get employees to speak up

Employee and organisational silence are well-documented pain points. How are leaders supposed to know what’s really going on if no one is really candid? How is HR supposed to support individuals and...

Gender neutrality as part of inclusivity cannot stop at email signatures, it needs policy and process too

When LinkedIn made gender pronouns available as an option on its platform at the start of 2021, it reflected a trend of greater awareness of gender neutrality across the globe.