Good work and D&I in retail

?A crucial issue for retail HR is counteracting any temptation on retail bosses’ part to react to squeezed margins with moves that essentially compromise working conditions

What are the main political parties’ workplace policies?

Skills and employment pledges aren’t necessarily headline issues this election, but there are still plenty of them

Why treating people well could save lives

Organisations stand to gain a financial return from shifting to more humane management, but more importantly it could save lives

How to equip tourism employees with green skills

Employers are training employees in sustainability to help futureproof their businesses against climate change and environmental concerns

Hot topic: Preventing knife crime, part two

In April the Office for National Statistics revealed that knife crime hit its highest level since records began in 2011

BBC group HRD: HR's opportunity to influence never greater

At the CIPD Annual Conference and Exhibition HRD panellists spoke on good work, the HR skillset and leadership for long-term organisational health

Hot topic: Preventing knife crime

In April the Office for National Statistics revealed that knife crime hit its highest level since records began in 2011

Zelda Perkins on tackling harassment: "You just have to do it"

At Women Mean Business Live a panel discussed non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and HR's role in stamping out harassment and bullying

Unilever SVP HR: HR now entering the ‘paradox wave’

There have been seven waves of HR and employee relations. In the latest wave HR and unions must work together more closely

Siemens: The power of partnering on sustainability

Partnership working at Siemens has enabled HR to engage employees with sustainability and the circular economy

Hot topic: Political conversations at work, part two

Workplaces are becoming increasingly politicised, with research from Jobsite finding that 46% of employees have noticed an increase in political discussion among colleagues