Why being 'relationship-centric' is a key aspect of use of self

This third article in a series exploring the OD concept of use of self (UoS) looks at the relevance of relational orientation

Shy people misunderstood at work

There should be far greater awareness of shyness in the workplace and it should be treated as a D&I issue, according to coach, author and speaker Nadia Finer

Vlatka Hlupic: New leadership needed in the fourth Industrial Revolution

At a Global Peter Drucker Forum 2019 pre-event Hlupic shared how leaders and organisations can make the shift to become more human

The FA’s Pippa Grange: How culture coaching improves performance

The 'working through' model, storytelling and role-modelling can help improve resilience and performance in sport and business

How imposter syndrome and racism overlap

Workplace attitudes to race and lack of role models mean BAME individuals are more susceptible to imposter syndrome

What kind of leadership can we expect from Boris Johnson?

Our new prime minister's leadership style is markedly different from his predecessor's. But perhaps this means he will succeed in areas where she struggled

The importance of authentic leadership

While being an authentic leader can be difficult, the combination of a professional approach with the expression of our unique personality can help organisations thrive

Art Markman: Understand cognitive science to work better

Neuroscience can help people better understand themselves and colleagues, according to academic and author Art Markman

Is engagement fact or fiction?

Few seem able to agree on what engagement is or how to measure it. Some argue that it never existed at all and was nothing more than the latest fad

How many of your employees are disengaged?

The way we think about work is changing and to move with this curve management needs a new lens through which to view workers

Most work in unpleasant environments

The majority of employees (83%) feel that their office environment is 'unpleasant' , citing poor temperatures, poor ventilation and lack of natural light

Stop selecting incompetent men over competent women as leaders

If we focus on talent we will end up with better leaders and more female leaders, because the truth is women are more competent leaders than men