Walking the outcomes talk

One of the advantages of having worked in retail management prior to completing my masters in occupational psychology, was the opportunity to identify why some of my previous approaches to management...

Toxic resilience and how to avoid it

Building resilience among senior executives is a global imperative. Countless think pieces talk about how it is a key characteristic and predictor of success for high performing leaders. 

Why microclimates have the power to change workplace culture

We know the power of a great workplace culture. Higher engagement and belonging, leading to greater productivity, problem solving, collaboration and results. 

Using the COM-B approach to change management

In my experience, HR professionals use a variety of models to support them when undergoing a change management project, from Kotter’s eight-step model, ADKAR to McKinsey 7S model and many others.

Dealing with survivor guilt at work after layoffs

Around the world, many organisations are already making posts redundant, with layoffs in the tech industry grabbing the headlines.  For those without a job, the future may not look bright, but life is...

Celebrity status is always bad for corporate governance

Elon Musk’s tumultuous takeover of Twitter shows why the spotlight is never good for governance. He may now be the poster boy for governance mishaps, but he isn’t the only one to have let fame get in...

Why you’ll hear ‘mutuality’ a lot this year

Everyone loves a game of boardroom bingo and we all know a middle manager who spouts corporate cliches to cover up the fact that they have no ideas of their own.

Managing the upside-down: lessons from Stranger Things

As a leadership coach and practitioner, it is my privilege to work with leaders and leadership teams of all shapes and sizes. Many are looking for ways to achieve greater performance.

Creativity barriers in a logical world and how to shift them  

I love squiggly lines. I always have. Put me back in Mrs Morrison's primary school class, and I’m as proud of the abstract artwork on the sleeve of my P5 jotter as whatever is written inside. It’s not...

Ask yourself, are you having fun at work?

Following the Great Resignation, millennials and boomers alike are resisting the return to the office and leaving their jobs like never before.

Improving the workplace through critical thinking

A lot of the problems in business — and in human resources — can be traced back to a single root: bad thinking. Over the course of my career as a consultant, I’ve seen business leaders make abysmal...

The impact of perceptions and stereotypes on women’s performance

A new study from King’s College suggests that stereotypes around women’s ability to play chess may explain why they underperform when competing against men. Move away from the world of chess to the...