Strategic HR

How HR can manage leadership change

In the wake of Humza Yousaf's resignation from the role of first minister of Scotland, we asked HR leaders for their tips on how to manage leadership change.

“Sick-note culture” is a misdiagnosis of the UK’s ill-health workforce crisis

Earlier this month, Rishi Sunak claimed that the UK is in the grips of a “sick-note culture,” resulting in a significant rise in people being unnecessarily signed off work.

Employees "don't seem interested" in benefits on offer

Almost half (48%) of HR directors have reported that employee benefits have had poor uptake because employees “don’t seem interested” in what is on offer.

Over-55s left behind in skills training

Employees over the age of 55 have been left behind by skills training for digital and management skills, a report by training provider Corndel has revealed today.

"EAPs are essential. Abandoning them puts workers' wellbeing at risk"

The inability of employee assistance programmes (EAPs) to meet massive increases in demand for mental health support – counselling in particular – without going fully digital or EAP-by-app, is a real...

How employers can help prevent suicide 

My charity has collaborated with HR directors, academics and others to create the Workplace Pledge for suicide prevention in the workplace.

What is #Microfeminism?

With over a billion views on TikTok, #Microfeminism shows that users share how they use acts of 'microfeminism' to empower people in the workplace.

Post Office executive threatened to resign over “intolerable” pay, HR claims

Jane Davies, former HR director of the Post Office, has claimed that chief executive Nick Read was so obsessed with getting a pay rise that his multiple requests and threats to resign dominated her...

"It's time to tackle employee disengagement"

In this low productivity era, how we can help people fall back in love with their work?

One in 10 LBQ+ women and trans people feel unsafe at work

More than two thirds (68%) of lesbian, bisexual and queer (LBQ+) women and trans people reported feeling safe at work, a report by LGBTQ+ magazine DIVA and consultancy Kantar revealed yesterday....

Hiring ex-offenders: new guidance published by CIPD Trust

The CIPD Trust has today published guidance for employers to recruit, employ and retain people with convictions or lived experience with the criminal justice system.

The science of storytelling in HR: four reasons to harness its power

Harnessing the art of storytelling can be a transformative force that propels the company and its people towards success.