Building HR with a can-do attitude: Joe Dent, Princes

HR hadn’t always had a seat on Princes’ board but when COVID hit, all that changed. As a result, a business that was “difficult to love” has become an employer of the year, with HR at its heart, finds...

My journey from HR to MD

I didn’t set out to become the MD of a global property company. My career started at Accenture where I was lucky enough to join the graduate scheme.

David Lammy encourages middle managers to embrace diversity at work

Middle managers need to embrace diversity and inclusion before any real change can happen in an organisation, Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy told delegates at day two of the CIPD annual...

HR sees the largest growth among C-suite hires

Chief HR officer roles have seen the biggest growth in hiring out of all C-suite jobs in the past year, according to LinkedIn.

How leaders block culture change

As organisations continue to grapple with the aftermath of the pandemic and prepare for life in a post-pandemic era, business is it at one of its most critical inflection points in its history.

Does HR need more practical routes into the profession?

A poll on LinkedIn has sparked discussion among the HR community about the need for more apprenticeships in the profession.

HR needs a summer holiday

School’s out and every B&B on the coast is booked up until mid-September. Summer is here and with it the changing of the lockdown guard: this time a lack of social distancing guidelines and removing...

Why we need to stop calling it HR

In the last year we have realised the need for resilience alongside performance, so why is our perceived value still based on how hard we are working?

Three ways HR leaders can shape today’s workplace

Culture is the soul of the organisation, and it’s up to HR leaders to facilitate, coach, and preserve it.

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Do boards need people people?

People issues are the central challenge of our time. As the 2021 AGM season comes to a close, some of the same issues continue to dominate, such as boardroom pay and lack of diversity, but this year...

HR in the boardroom: four tips for maximising HR’s business impact

While the power of HR has undoubtedly been pushed to the fore over the past year, many HR professionals often fall short in delivering the effective support and competitive advantages needed to drive...

The rise of the HR analyst

Only a few years ago, the vast majority of analytics professionals would have been found in finance or IT departments and it would have been rare to find someone in an HR team specialising in people...
