Personal mobile phones used for work purposes

New research into the use of mobile and landline numbers has revealed that 77% of freelancers and business owners use their personal mobiles for business

Three tips for negotiating

There are three key things to remember when entering into any kind of negotiation

Back to basics... Away days

Our back to basics series brings you top tips from industry experts on the bread and butter areas of HR

Working from home costs employees £12 per month

Working from home accounts for £11.94 of UK employees’ monthly broadband bill

Employers slow to respond to home working requests

Research has highlighted the disconnect between employers’ and employees’ views on home working, as only 14% of UK office workers have been mandated to work from home full time during the Coronavirus...

Ensuring assertiveness is not seen as bullying

Where is the line between being 'passionate' and 'bullying'? Between 'expressing strong opinions' and being 'aggressive'?

Climate change among workers’ top concerns

UK employees are becoming more vocal about the climate emergency in the workplace, according to research

Is microaggression D&I training a step too far?

Training can certainly increase awareness of ignorant comments, but can also cause divisions and hypersensitivity

Case study: Superdrug's Everyone Matters D&I strategy

Superdrug has worked hard over the past 18 months to become a more diverse and inclusive workplace, with plenty of positive results

How to combat loneliness in remote workers

Loneliness is a growing problem and can be particularly acute among remote staff who are often working alone

One foot in retirement

Employees are not saving enough for retirement, and often not even aware of the fact. Employers have a duty to ensure their workforces make appropriate plans for saving

The art of tricky succession conversations

?One of the qualities required for an HRD to be an effective succession planning facilitator is courage