Relearning hiring and onboarding skills for virtual recruitment

The ability to build strong relationships forms the backbone of any good recruitment service. Having the opportunity to meet candidates face-to-face is crucial as it helps form a detailed view of...

Making clean data a priority

The global pandemic has meant that companies need to rely on data within HR even more. By investing in programmes, platforms and tools that support data for all aspects of the business, companies will...


HR technology key to HR’s work through the pandemic

HR technology has played a crucial role in dealing with disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, according to research by XpertHR.

How to overcome the top five productivity killers impacting HR

The HR team has always been a vital component of long-term organisational success – handling any people-related issues that come their way, with the overall values and goals of the organisation as...

Hot topic part two: Mandatory COVID vaccinations at work

The UK’s roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine began in December 2020. In response London plumbing firm, Pimlico Plumbers, has said it will be introducing a so called ‘no jab, no job’ policy as soon as...

What more can be done to support survivors of domestic abuse in the workplace?

Reports of domestic abuse have surged during the pandemic. With many people now working from home, it’s more important than ever that employers spot warning signs and support survivors. So what...

Chatbots - the HR tech to make you stand out

HR has often been a leader in tech adoption. This may come as a surprise as many have an antiquated image of HR - one that uses old, slow technology.

Could bots help to solve employee mental health problems?

Many businesses are turning to bots to encourage workers to be more communicative about issues and to help identify mental health problems, says Jo Gallacher

What HR needs to know: GDPR and AI

Complete transparency about how your AI technology works, whatever the process, is essential. Without it, employers can run into GDPR challenges and lose the trust and buy-in of colleagues. An...

Why HR should be as responsible for workplace tech as they are for people

HR teams need to add digital transformation to their to-do lists this year, says Civica chief people officer Julie Chell

Alpha mail: AI learns to write

An automated email system could potentially free up hours of the working week, but there are still many kinks to be ironed out, finds Beau Jackson

COVID-19 vaccine will slow business uptake of the Job Retention Scheme

The Job Retention Scheme (JRS) will continue to be a lifeline for some businesses in 2021, however fewer HR leaders will be using the scheme in the new year thanks to optimism around the coronavirus...