Collings is professor of Human Resource Management at Dublin City University Business School where he is director of the Leadership and Talent Institute. He previously held faculty positions at the...
Green is recognised worldwide as one of the most influential leaders in the people analytics field. He is an author, speaker, and executive consultant on people analytics, data-driven human resources...
Liddle is CEO of the leading transformational culture consultancy The TCM Group, and founding president of the Institute of Organizational Dynamics. He is the author of two books: Managing Conflict...
Sole OBE is managing partner of the School for CEOs, the organisation he co-founded with former CEO of John Menzies plc, Patrick Macdonald. He has been working with senior executives and leadership...
Morton-Young is an executive coach to underrepresented managers; a diversity, equity and inclusion consultant/speaker/trainer; an HR consultant to SME’s; owner of the 1st HR consultancy for employees...
Rowland is a leading thinker, speaker, writer, coach, and practitioner in the leadership of large, complex, change. She has devoted her 3-decade career to the study, practice, and dissemination of...
Corey is a three-time author, world-class speaker and HR consultant, paying it forward by inspiring and helping others around the world to bring out their inner rebel and drive strategic and...
Brown is an independent adviser and researcher on reward and equality, a principal associate at IES and visiting professor at University of Greenwich.
Tweddell is the founder of Another Door, an organisation supporting people through redundancy, with the aim to make it a good thing. She is the author of Why Losing Your Job Could be the Best Thing...
Bridger is one of the world’s leading employee engagement and experience experts. She’s passionate about working with organisations to help them design and create great employee experiences to empower...
Dale is an experienced senior HR professional, chartered fellow of the CIPD, fellow of the HEA and a regular speaker and writer on a variety of HR topics including employee engagement, flexible and...
Lewis is an award-winning psychologist with more than 20 years’ experience in the field of organisational and business psychology. She started her consultancy, HALO Psychology, in 2016 and her...